How To Lower Creatinine Levels Without Medication

Creatinine is chemical waste that is produced during muscle metabolism that is processed and eliminated through the kidneys. This is perfectly normal and safe, but consistently high levels of this waste product in your system can be a sign that your kidneys aren’t working as well as they need to. While the normal range for creatinine in the bloodstream will vary from person to person, the typical ranges are 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL for men and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL for women.

If you have high levels of creatinine in your system it can lead to health problems. When that happens you have to figure out how to lower creatinine levels in your body in order to stay healthy. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do on your own to lower these levels.


Causes And Symptoms Of High Creatinine Levels

Since creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism, strength exercises in combination with certain creatine supplements and eating a lot of meat can also raise your creatinine levels. High creatinine levels can also be caused by:

  • Dehydration
  • Medications including NSAIDs, chemotherapy, and ACE inhibitors
  • Intense exerciseKidney disease/kidney problems
  • Diabetes
  • Excessive blood loss

A full workup, including a creatinine clearance test by your doctor, will confirm whether or not your creatinine levels are too high, but there are some common symptoms that you can look out for when trying to determine your own levels.

Some symptoms are digestive issues including nausea/vomiting, little to no appetite, changes in urination (frequent urges, decreased output, dark color), fatigue, edema, shortness of breath, and abnormally itchy skin. If you’ve been told that your creatinine levels are too high or you suspect that they might be too high, take action to lower them on your own.

Natural Remedies For Lowering Creatinine Levels

If you’ve been trying to figure out how to lower creatinine levels in your body without medical intervention, consider natural remedies that you can use on your own. The first thing you can do is begin to make specific lifestyle changes that can positively impact creatinine levels in your body. If you suspect that dehydration is the cause of your high levels, increase your daily fluids in order to increase urination and help expel excess fluid from the body.

Drink at least eight full glasses (eight ounces) of water each day. You should also try to lower your stress levels and limit intense exercise which can raise creatinine levels naturally. Try switching from intense workouts to things like yoga or walking to stay active without raising your levels. You should also try to get more sleep as sleep deprivation can put a strain on your kidneys. Other home remedies that you can use for lowering creatinine levels are:

  • Chamomile tea

This herb can lower stress levels and has been found to naturally reduce creatinine levels when ingested daily. Drink one cup of chamomile tea daily to help lower your levels.

  • Stinging nettle

Drinking one or two cups of nettle tea each day has shown to remove metabolic waste from your body by promoting proper renal excretion. It can also improve your immune system and purify your blood. Please note that people taking blood thinners, high blood pressure medication, diuretics, or medication for diabetes should talk to their doctor before using stinging nettle since it can interfere with these conditions and medications for them.

  • Dandelion root

Drinking dandelion root tea and help flush toxins out of your body by working as a diuretic. It can also improve your kidney function while decreasing water retention and edema in the body. Drink a full cup of dandelion root tea two to three times a day to lower creatinine levels. Be aware, this herb may interact negatively with diabetes medications or high blood pressure medications.

  • Cinnamon

This isn’t just a cooking spice. Cinnamon is a good diuretic and can significantly lower your creatinine levels by increasing kidney output and supporting renal filtration. Add cinnamon to smoothies, desserts, oatmeal, and other foods/beverages to help lower creatinine levels in your body.

  • Siberian ginseng

While Siberian ginseng is mainly used as a natural energy booster, it can also be effective in creatinine expulsion. This herb can promote renal function and help support your kidneys. The general dosage is anywhere from 300 to 600 mg a day but it is recommended to talk to a doctor to see how much is right for you.

Be aware, Siberian ginseng is different than other forms of ginseng and shouldn’t be used interchangeably for lowering creatinine levels. The other variations of ginseng can actually have the reverse effects.

Dietary Changes To Lower Creatinine Levels

Since creatinine levels can be affected by your diet, there are dietary changes that you can consider when thinking about how to lower creatinine levels in your body. There are certain foods that are naturally high in creatine that will raise creatinine levels in your body while other foods can work with your body to lower the levels. To help maintain proper creatinine levels in your body, incorporate the following foods into your normal diet:

  • Vegetables (especially cucumbers and bitter gourds)
  • Berries
  • Lemons and lemon juice
  • Parsley
  • Cauliflower

​In general, fruits and vegetables can help lower creatinine levels especially ones that are high in vitamin C and those that have been said to have diuretic properties.

​When thinking about what foods to cut from your diet, experts suggest limiting the amount of animal protein you eat since they naturally raise creatinine levels. You don’t have to cut meat from your diet completely but you should limit your consumption. When you do eat meat, choose lean organic, grass-fed, or free-range options. You should also avoid:

  • ​Processed foods
  • High-sodium foods
  • High-potassium foods (bananas, broccoli, celery, spinach)
  • High-phosphorus foods (dairy, fish/shellfish, nuts/soybeans, pork, pumpkin, squash)

Generally speaking, you should reduce your intake of protein, not just animal protein. This is because the breakdown of protein is a metabolic reaction that produces creatinine. By limiting protein you will obviously be limiting the creation of creatinine in your body.

Fiber also plays a significant role in creatinine management. Research shows that increasing dietary fiber in your daily diet can help lower creatinine levels in your body. Fiber is naturally found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains.

This can prove to be difficult since a lot of fibrous foods are also high-phosphorus and high-potassium foods which are detrimental to creatinine levels. Due to this, you should speak to a doctor and dietician in order to come up with the best diet that will incorporate the right kind of fiber into your diet.


If you have been trying to figure out how to lower creatinine levels in your body, these remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle changes can help you do so naturally. Be sure to discuss your concerns with your doctor and ask for a full workup and creatinine clearance test to see if you really do have elevated creatinine levels so you can properly manage it. Your doctor can also help by telling you if other, more serious medical conditions like kidney disease/failure are present.

Anna Smith

Hi there ! I’m Anna Smith, chief editor at Healthankering. I'm a proud mother of three passionate about health tips, beauty and ways to live healthier with more energy ! We start Healthankering to provide advanced material about not only the best ways to get healthy, but also to entertain and create a great community. Welcome aboard !

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